Jackie Nastri Bardenwerper

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The Inspiration for Rosalie's!

As those who have read On the Line know, Rosalie's is the name of the fictional restaurant at the docks where Piper and her friends spend most of their time. Yet while there is no place named Rosalie's in the Keys that I'm aware of, there are a few places that are pretty close in appearance and atmosphere.

One of the spots that inspired Rosalie's!One of those places is Lorelei's, an open-air restaurant with a picture-perfect view of the bay and a small collection of boats that are lucky enough to dock there. My husband and I trekked down to Lorelei's one night last week to celebrate the sunset (they've got music every night - not just Fridays!) and check out the scene.

And in two hours we witnessed the following:

- Multiple groups of sunburned fishermen cozied up at the bar, swapping stories about tarpon, the fish in season

- One Great White Heron stealing french fries off unobservant tourists' plates

- A group of tourists there for the fishing, but unable to identify the fish in the case near the restaurant. Of course, I was more than willing to help them out!

- And a Hellsbay fishing boat just like the one Piper's dad has. It docked, fueled up on seafood, then retreated back to the flats to fish, probably for tarpon or bonefish

All in all it was a perfect night, as we took in the sights of the bustling harbor, toasted to the sinking sun, and then wandered down the road to a tiki-torch lined restaurant. The kind of place I'd like to think one of those boys might take Piper someday. If one of them hasn't already ;)

Check out some more pics below!

The Hellsbay, just like Piper's dad's!! The not-so-innocent food thief!Down the docks. Can't you imagine Piper at a table? 

Yes, I knew every fish. The novices? Not so much.