My Fishing Theme Song
As I've said before, I love music and have been known to listen to all sorts of songs when I write. But there is one song that has really stuck with me more than any other throughout this process.
The song? Just Fishin' by Trace Adkins.
I was taking a much-needed breather from my revisions to ON THE LINE when I first heard Just Fishin'. My husband and I were in DC reminiscing about the time we spent living there, when my favorite DJ from Country 98.7 WMZQ introduced the song.
Always a huge Trace fan, I turned up the volume, then watched my mouth drop in the rearview mirror. Because this wasn't any song. It was one about a father and daughter. Out fishing. My eyes filled with tears as I fell back into my seat. I'd just spent the past year writing about such an experience.
Of course in my book the girl is older, and she fishes with other people too.
But really? A song about fishing? It seemed too big a coincidence. Especially because his song not only fit my new book, but hit on one of its most important themes. That fishing isn't just about what you catch, but the memories you build out there on the water with those you love.
After the song ended, I proceeded to hop onto iTunes and start downloading. Then, I blared those lyrics repeatedly throughout the revision process. Every time I felt overwhelmed or tired from the work, I'd take a break, go for a run and listen to Just Fishin'. Afterwards I always felt renewed, ready to tackle whatever scene was in front of me.
So today, as I stare out into another still-cold day and dream of joining my friend Piper Wesley on an Islamorada charter, I want to say thank you to one of my favorite country singers for writing a song with the power to get me through countless nights of revisions, edits and hard work.
Over the past year, Just Fishin' has become my theme song. And not just for ON THE LINE, but for all those happy memories built with a rod in my hand.